> Whole Person Integrated Care

Whole Person Integrated Care
March 27-28, 2024Day 1
Keynote 1 - From Ripples To Waves: Finding Value in sharing your story - Brandon Allen
Session 1 - Intersectionality: Your Story, Beliefs and Actions - Brandon Allen
Session 2 - Applying the Stages of Change with Commercially Sexually Exploited Adult and Youth - Nichole Kelly, PsyD, LCP
Session 3 - Healing Care: Centering Attachment-Focused and Trauma-Responsive Practices - Kelsie Tatum Martinez, PsyD, LCP
Keynote 2 - Bridging Perspectives: Fostering Mental Health Equity through Intersectionality and Integrated Care - Hannah Counter, MA, LPC, EMDR
Healing the Healer - Integrating the Expressive Arts in Self Care - Paige Asawa, PhD, LMFT, ATR-BC
Session 4 - Cultural Considerations When Working with the African American Population Through a Trauma Informed Lens - Hannah Counter, MA, LPC, EMDR
Session 5 - Integrated Care with Cancer Patients Using Expressive Arts - Paige Asawa, PhD, LMFT, ATR-BC
Session 6 - Self Empowered During and Beyond: Integrated Services for Co-Occurring Disorders and Trauma - Susan Ireland Mears
Day 2
Keynote 3 - Trauma-Informed Care and Beyond...Practical Strategies for Complex Care Needs - Paul Baker, PhD
Keynote 4 - Criminal Justice, Substance Use and The Continuum of Care - Shannon Robinson, MD
Session 7 - Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders, Mental Health and Medical Conditions - Shannon Robinson, MD
Session 8 - Integrating the Role of Well-Trained Peer Support Specialists is Vital to Authentic Recovery Practices - James Ritchie, PhD, CMPSS
Session 9 - Culturally Sensitive & Intersectional Approaches to Eating Disorders When Serving Marginalized Communities - Ashley Acle, MBA, MFT, LMFT