Strategic Plan

Executive Summary
The Southern Counties Regional Partnership is funded by the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), under the auspices of, the State of California’s Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development (OSHPD).
The Southern Counties Regional Partnership has determined its intent to coordinate programs and disseminate information on a regional basis. These efforts are designed to grow, support, and enhance the Southern California public mental/behavioral workforce.
The goals outlined in this Strategic Plan fall within the following categories:
- Workforce Staffing Support
- Training and Technical Assistance
- Mental Health Career Pathways Programs
- Residency, Internship Programs
- Financial Incentive Programs
Vision Statement
We envision a current and future regional workforce that understands and supports recovery, resiliency, and wellness, is culturally and linguistically competent, and includes consumers and family members throughout
the mental health system.
Mission Statement
To disseminate information and strategies throughout the region, coordinate education programs, develop/provide .common training opportunities and share programs to enhance the public mental health system workforce, when those programs are more effectively coordinated at a regional level.
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